

Our Quality Policy:

• To supply the customers’ raw materials and products demands and expectations in conformity with national and international standards and legal regulations

• To ensure the employees about the awareness and importance of the product quality, quality management and teamwork and also to provide increased efficiency and capacity use

• To carry out these activities in conformity with quality management system and to work for the continuous improvement

Our Environmental Policy:

• To carry out the necessary risk analyzes to prevent the environment continuously in the processes of supply of the raw materials and input controls, storage, use, production and quality control, packing and transport activities within the company and also to carry out these activities in conformity with environmental management system and to work for the continuous improvement

• To reduce the wastes that may result from the activities and to find out alternative ways of recovery of wastes

• To protect the natural resources and to provide a habitable environment for future generations by reducing the use of raw materials and using appropriate technologies in the frame of technical and economic possibilities that minimize damage to the environment

• To inform directly employees, customers, suppliers and visitors about their environmental responsibilities and to ensure their participation on environmental matters

• To comply with the applicable environmental legislation and administrative regulations

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy:

• To prevent interactions, injuries, to carry out the necessary risk analyzes and minimize the risks during the usage of materials and equipments, transportation, storage and stacking in the processes of supply of the raw materials and input controls, storage, use, production and quality control, packing and transport activities within the company

• To prevent explosion and fire risks arising from the use of incompatible chemicals in the production line and storage areas

• To take precausions for eliminating and also mimizing the risk issues for the health and safety hazards like electrical shocks, weld splashes etc. and as a result to prevent injuries and health deterioration

• To comply with applicable legislation and administrative regulations related to Occupational Health and Safety

• To meet changing business and legislative needs, as well as fulfilling legal responsibilities, to improve continuously the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in an effective and efficient way

• To inform directly employees, customers, suppliers and visitors about Occupational Health and Safety responsibilities

• To review periodically our Occupational Health and Safety policy to ensure compliance with the requirements

• To provide the necessary resource needs in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety risk analysis results and Occupational Health and Safety targets within the company

• Mutual sharing of Occupational Health and Safety experiences with public, private sector and non-governmental organizations